What is LFE subwoofer input?


0ab 763 3d0 fa4 ff3 069 989 f54 3ca 457 b4c 97f 3a9 748 b68 d3b c9f d0c 15b c46 db1 2f2 ddb 438 ebc 9da 7a4 18b 5ab ddb bbf b32 7ca fe4 1d5 901 966 452 5c4 7bb f97 76b e41 88d fda 484 f40 45e f16 ee5 043 12c 5c0 011 e79 8dd ec8 eaf e50 fe1 73d 8ca ecd 57a 168 785 7a7 28c 49f 93b 546 60f ce6 d0a 62e 2a1 527 4b2 0bd f9f cff 8a2 461 2e3 46c 159 3f0 940 201 ca4 7fa d47 07e cf9 edc eb6 c36 366 153 815

You might know that LFE stands for low-frequency effects, but what does that actually mean? In brief, LFE cables connect your subwoofer (low-frequency speaker) to its receiver. Since the subwoofer is responsible for low bass tones (aka its sole purpose), it requires a transmitter of low-frequency audio waves.

What does LFE on subwoofer mean?

low-frequency effects The low-frequency effects (LFE) channel is a band-limited audio track that is used for reproducing deep and intense low-frequency sounds in the 3–120 Hz frequency range. This track is normally sent to a subwoofer—a loudspeaker designed to reproduce very low frequencies.

Should I use my subwoofer LFE or line input connections?

You should use the LFE/. 1 input any time a REL subwoofer is being used in a Home Theater system. The Subwoofer/LFE/. 1 output from the processor or receiver should be connected to the .

How do I connect my LFE subwoofer to my receiver?

Connect a subwoofer through the subwoofer output (SUB OUT or SUBWOOFER) of a receiver using an LFE cable. Connect using an RCA cable if there isn't an LFE subwoofer output or LFE input. If the subwoofer features spring clips, use the speaker output of the receiver to hook it all up.

Is LFE the same as sub out?

The difference between the LFE channel and the subwoofer output is that the LFE channel is used to carry additional bass information in the Dolby Digital program while the subwoofer output represents how some or all of the bass information will be reproduced.

Should I use LFE Main?

Size of the speaker is not what Small or Large setting implies. Set to small, bass management is used, set to large, it is not bass managed. Ideally, LFE + Main should not be used but if it sounds better to you, use it by all means.

Is subwoofer out same as LFE?

The difference between the LFE channel and the subwoofer output is that the LFE channel is used to carry additional bass information in the Dolby Digital program while the subwoofer output represents how some or all of the bass information will be reproduced.

Should I use both inputs on subwoofer?

Dual input allows the subwoofer an extra sensitivity adjustment. Normally, it would be enough to use a mono LFE subwoofer signal from its processor. If you have a processor with very low output so you can use a Y-splitter. By using both inputs with the same mono signal doubles the subwoofer sensitivity.

Is LFE the same as subwoofer out?

The difference between the LFE channel and the subwoofer output is that the LFE channel is used to carry additional bass information in the Dolby Digital program while the subwoofer output represents how some or all of the bass information will be reproduced.